Welcome to our community-driven smart building ecosystem

Our COFYbox is offering flexibility services to citizens and community leaders that want to become active in the Energy Transition

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Welcome to our community-driven smart building ecosystem

Our COFYbox is offering flexibility services to citizens and community leaders that want to become active in the Energy Transition

Features & Capabilities

COFYbox is a digital tool to help cooperatives and their members in achieving their energy goals.

Monitor you energy with the Mycofybox app
Consume when your cooperative has energy with dynamic pricing
Consume when there is sun on your roof with improved self-consumption
Get rewarded for supporting the grid with demand response

Increase your ownership of the different aspects of the energy value chain

The COFYbox flexibility activities will give your members insights into their home energy usage and can , in many cases, lead to reductions in energy costs and improvements in their quality of life. Most importantly, these activities will enable your members to increase their renewable consumption to further move towards sustainable lifestyles!

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Frequently Asked Questions

COFYbox is a smart tool that will help you achieve your energy goals (especially if like us you'd like to save energy and consume more renewables). It includes a smart box that will connect your home appliances to your cooperatives, so together you can get new things done:

  • Get rewarded for supporting the grid with explicit demand side response
    COFYbox also cares about the grid! In the UK, the COFYbox can enable you to participate in grid services and reward you for stabilising the grid.
  • Monitor your energy with the Mycofybox app
    The COFYbox app is your personal dashboard to monitor your energy consumption, production and the energy you may feed in the grid.
  • Consume when there is sun on your roof with improved self-consumption
    If you have a solar energy system, COFYbox can (gently) command your appliance to turn on when your solar PV system is producing.

From your home to the grid, COFYbox helps individuals and energy cooperatives in implementing the energy transition!

The UK-based PowerShaper Flex service allows you to support the flexible operation of the electricity grid and enable more energy to be supplied by renewable sources, by automatically switching devices off or on at times when the grid has low or high supply. Don't worry - devices will never be switched off or on without your prior knowledge, and text and email alerts allow you to opt out of events as needed.

Individuals can be empowered to support this flexible operation by connecting smart devices with controllable loads to the COFYbox. Currently the COFYbox can be connected with:

  • Certain models of EV charger which allow for OCPP connection
  • Immersion heaters
  • Certain battery storage models

To find out if your, or your members' devices are eligible so that you can join the fleet of PowerShaper Flexibility Providers, get in touch today at powershaper@carbon.coop.

The electricity grid, much like the road network, has a certain capacity. At certain times it becomes more congested, usually when everyone gets home from work in the evening and starts turning things on for cooking and heating. The grid operators who are responsible for the distribution of power to our homes have to ensure that supply and demand is balanced and no parts of the grid become overloaded.

With the introduction of electric vehicles, heat pumps, battery storage, there is a lot of concern that parts of the grid may become overloaded and/or that supply will struggle at some times to meet demand (and even that demand will sometimes not be able to absorb all the supply from renewables). The Cofybox and PowerShaper Flex is designed to help grid operators to make sure this doesn’t happen. So you can help to keep the grid up and running, while being compensated for your participation!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement Nº893240